My boss died tragically last night in an accident. He was up flying his ultralight and crashed into his good friend, who also flies. His friend went to the hospital, but is going to be fine. My boss died before emergency crews arrived.
We have a small office staff of 6 people, and we're all like family. He was a great man. After seeing him almost every day for the past year and a half.. it's just.. hard. He was very fatherly to me.. and to many. I wasn't going to come in to work today.. but I felt like they needed me. I knew it would be hard.. but to see my grown men co-workers fighting back tears.. and to answer the phone over and over answering the questions that yes, he did die last night.. it's heartbreaking. Every call and email I get it brings fresh tears to my eyes.
8 days ago his father died as well. His father was 83, and they all got to say goodbye.. but this was so unexpected. I'm sure his family is torn apart. I know his daughter pretty well, and I can't imagine being in her place- losing her grandpa and father within 8 days of each other. I can't imagine being his friend who was involved with the crash. I pray he doesn't feel guilty. .
Part of me just wants to ask why?? He was young (56), had a wonderful family, and was an amazing business man. It's just not supposed to happen that way. But the other part of me knows without a doubt that God is in control. My boss was a strong Christian. There were several occasions when I'd walk into his office in the morning and see his daily devotional book sitting open on his desk. He's okay now. He's not suffering. And the next thing that he'll see will be Jesus coming to take him home.
So while my heart doesn't understand, and my eyes are raw from the tears.. I am thankful for a God who is preparing us something so much better than this life. I'm thankful for my boss' example. And I truly hope you all never take one moment for granted. I hope you know without a doubt that you'll be in heaven with him. And please.. just keep all of us who knew and loved him in your prayers. These next few days won't be easy.
2 days ago
How awful. So sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
That's terrible. I'm so sorry. The family must really be a wreck. I'm sure they need you right now. You're doing the right thing by going into the office.
C, my heart goes out to you, your co-workers and your boss's family. this is so very tragic in so many ways. sending you lots of love.
What a tragic occurrence. I am so sorry for your loss and the untimely leaving of this man. I hope all of you find comfort in knowing that he is at peace. I am keeping you all in my prayers and thoughts. Sending lots of hugs and love your way! xoxoxo
How terrible! I am so sorry! I will keep all of his family and friends in my prayers
I'm so sorry, C. I will be praying for you and all of his family and friends.
oh how awful! this made me so sad. i can't imagine how his family must be feeling right now. def just lifted them, and all of your in your office up in prayer and I will continue to. what a hard way to start your week...
Oh how terrible! I will keep you, your co-workers and his family in my prayers. God has a plan for this, and even though you may never know what that plan is, He does. And He will use this tragedy to His glory. Please take comfort in that.
unexpected deaths are very hard to understand and deal with. His family, and your co-workers are all in my prayers. Thank God he was a believer and now in a better place.
How awful! My prayers are with you!
Aww, C. So sorry to hear about your loss. Will keep you, your coworkers, and his family in our prayers. Hang in there.
This is so awful, I am so sorry. Prayer and hugs friend!
i'm so sorry to hear hun.
my thoughts and prayers are with you, everyone you work with and his family.
sending hugs your way.
that is so rough...i'm sorry :(
My heart breaks for all those who knew him. It's always tempting at these times to question God, but you've said it so well -- He's in control and is preparing us for something so much better.
my heart is with you. i work with elderly people and when someone passes away it is never easy. hang in there. your faith will keep you strong.
Oh my goodness! I am so sorry C. You, your coworkers, and your bosses family will all be in my prayers.
What a tragedy.
Oh what a tragedy. It is sometimes so hard to see God in situations like this. I am praying for his family.
I'm so sorry, I'm sure you'll have some tough times ahead. I'm compelled to tell you what my father told me when my mother died tragically in a car accident. He told me - "You know, she wasn't ours to keep - she was God's - and, of course, she'd go when he called for her." I'm sure it is that same scenerio with your boss. It's something to always remember, we are all God's children and we will eventually all be called home.
You and your co-workers are all in my thoughts and prayers. I'm sure that your boss will be able to check in on you once in awhile. Keep carrying on his vision and do the things he'd want you to do. He sounds like he was such a great man.
C I'm so very sorry to hear this. He sounds like he was an amazing man. It seems as though you are definitely taking his influence to heart and that is the best way to honor him!
I will keep you all and his family in my prayers. It's so wonderful that by the grace of God we've been saved. I'm so thankful that this man was a Christian. I pray that his life did and will minister to others on this earth who are suffering or are lost.
God bless!
I am so sorry to hear that. I'm sending my thoughts and prayers...
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