So leah had a post titled this the other day, and I had to follow suit. For the same reason as her.. and then some.
Guys... I'm exhausted. My apartment is an absolute disaster. There are boxes literally taking over every room. Disorganization stresses me out. I've been staying up late trying to get everything done.
And what's worse... I don't even dare to talk about online. Let's just say I found out some information (that was no doubt meant to be hidden from me) today at work. I feel hurt, cheated, lied to, and downright furious. This would never have happened if my other boss were still here. I miss him so much... and now that he's gone, things just aren't the same.
I have never been more ready for a change in my life. What I found out today at work just put me at my wit's end. I wish I could just tell you all... and I wish I could have taken action today.. but I can't do either of those things because I can't risk it getting back to the wrong people and hurting me down the road.
I am trying so hard to give my anger and resentment over to the Lord.. but at this point, I feel I'm failing miserably.
I learned a hard lesson today... sometimes those you trust and admire will not only let you down, but be the ones that deceive and hurt you. And... as painful and infuriating as it can be, you can't say a word or do a single stinking thing about it.
I also learned that a full body exfoliating scrub is NOT for the timid.. but more on that later...
2 days ago
I'm sorry you had such a rough day!! If you want to you can email me and vent!! Sometimes it helps just to let it all out!! I'll be praying for you, I can't imagine how stressed out you may. I hated moving! And it sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now. Like I said, if you want to vent you can email me.
I'm sorry. Days like that are not fun, I hope your week gets better and things get more organized for you!
Aww, C. What a bummer. I'm sorry you have to go through all that nonsense from work at what is already a difficult time. Having just been through it myself, I know how stressful moving is - including all of the crazy emotional ups and downs that go with it. Hang in there, things will get better!
It was so hard for me to read this. I can tell that you're really hurt. I'm so sorry. :(
sorry to hear about the bad news and that you are going through such a hard time. it's so sad to hear how hurt you are :(
i hope things get better and quickly! you are in my thoughts hun...xo
Sorry to hear about the bad news hun. I can imagine your physical, mental and emotional exhaustion right now. You have been going through a lot lately. Feel free to e-mail me if you need to get anything off your chest that you can't talk about in public blogworld. xoxoxo. Praying for you, sweet friend!
As much as it's hurting right now, this is yet another way of God showing you that there's something better--you're moving in the right direction by getting out of that situation. All the best, girl.. You'll be in my prayers
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