We looked at a couple properties on Sunday. The first was 49 acres and the second was 98. Obviously, the 98 is a little bigger than we want (my dad is actually thinking about buying it as an investment). But, the 49 seems just about right. It's a beautiful lot with a large amount of road frontage, a big hilly knoll perfect for a house on top (with a great view), a big area of beautiful forest, and borders a pretty little pond with a view of the ski mountain. It's 5-10 minutes from the ski mountain, a couple minutes from the little town (grocery store, etc.), and about 15 minutes from work for both of us. We put in an offer on it today.
So.. your prayers would be appreciated! I'll be fine no matter what happens- if nothing else, I've learned that God's way is best. If he opens the doors for us to get this property and build, then I'll be happy. If not, I'll know he has something better for us.
My new job is going pretty well. It's been rather stressful so far. We're just so busy that I haven't really gotten the training I need, therefore causing me to get behind. And when I'm behind.. I'm stressed. The girl that was there before me left things very undone, and I'm having a hard time figuring out where she left off, and what things she did wrong that I need to correct.
Z's currently working with my uncle building homes (hence the decision to build our own), but he'll be starting a new position at the beginning of November. He's been working a LOT, and driving long hours back and forth, so we're only getting an hour or two per night together. Thank goodness I have my family right here.
My dad's birthday is Thursday, and my mom and I share a birthday next Monday. My sister and her boyfriend made us this fun cake the other night:
Cute, right? We were pretty impressed!
Sorry for the lack of posting lately! It's been a little crazy! It'll get better soon! Love you all!
Good luck with the property!! I hope you guys get it so you can start moving forward with plans!! :)
Best of luck w/the property. Crossing my fingers for you!
Wow your sister is talented!!!
That's awesome you were born on your mom's birthday. I bet she loved that
Good luck with the property! I hope everything works out.
That cake is so cool! It looks like artistic ability runs in your family!
Wow! How exciting. Can't wait to hear how it all pans out.
that is so exciting girl!
glad to hear everything is going quite well!
the cake is adorable :)
Best of luck you, girl!
What an adorable cake!!
Good luck with the property/house hunting or building project. I hope that God directs your every step and that you would be confident in what you are supposed to do! :)
You are definitely in my thoughts. How cool would it be to build your OWN house? So cool.
And just give work some time, you'll learn the ropes, be amazing, and blow everyone away!
Wow! Lots of exiting things going on! Keep us posted. And I am so impressed with that cake!
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